Name Growth Modifications External links
Bacterium Lacticigenium naphthae DSM 19658 30 °C DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanobacterium aarhusense DSM 15219 3-7 days | 40 °C | anaerobic Adjust pH to 7.5. DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanobacterium arcticum DSM 19844 3-7 days | 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanobacterium cahuitense DSM 113354 3-7 days | 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanobacterium ferruginis DSM 21974 3-7 days | 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanobacterium kanagiense DSM 22026 (+) 2-3 days | 40 °C | anaerobic Adjust pH to 7.5 - 8.0. DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanobacterium petrolearium DSM 22353 3-7 days | 35 °C | anaerobic Adjust pH to 6.5. DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanobacterium sp. DSM 3821 35 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanococcus aeolicus DSM 17508 40 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanococcus aeolicus DSM 17251 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis DSM 2067 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis DSM 14266 37 °C | anaerobic Use only one atmosphere overpressure of sterile 80% H2 and 20% CO2 gas mixture. DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanococcus vannielii DSM 1224 2-3 days | 35 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanococcus voltae DSM 1537 2-3 days | 35 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanococcus voltae DSM 7078 35 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanococcus voltae DSM 4254 30 °C | anaerobic Add a filter-sterilized, anoxic solution of L-histidine to a final concentration of 80.00 mg/l. DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanoculleus marisnigri DSM 1498 3-7 days | 28 °C | anaerobic Adjust pH to 6.5. DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanoculleus receptaculi DSM 18860 2-3 days | 50 °C | anaerobic Adjust pH to 7.5. DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanoculleus submarinus DSM 15122 2-3 days | 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanoculleus thermophilus DSM 2373 55 °C | anaerobic Increase the amount of trypticase to 6.00 g/l. DSMZ BacDive