Media were autoclaved and cooled under N2/CO2 (90/10, v/v). Vitamin V7 solution (1 ml/l) and NaHCO3, (0.15% w/v) were then aseptically added to the medium. Final pH was adjusted to 6.8-7.0 and the medium was dispensed into sterile 50 ml screw-capped bottles. Organic substrates (5 mM Na-acetate and/or 5 mM di-Na-succinate) were added as substrates before use. In addition, for strains DSM 15114 and AT2115, Na2S x 9 H2O (0.02% w/v) were also added to the medium prior to utilisation. Pure cultures, grown in 50-ml screw-capped bottles were stored at +4°C in the dark for preservation.
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