Strain modifications for Medium 429

30 distinct modifications were found.

(10% horse-blood); microaerophilic, high humidity; grows slowly

Modified strains

Bartonella birtlesii DSM 21463

Annotated modifications

10 % Horse blood

(add 10% horse blood); plus 5% CO2; needs high humidity

Modified strains

Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii DSM 28220

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood
5% CO2

(plus 10% horse blood); plus 5%CO2

Modified strains

Bartonella doshiae DSM 102055

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood
5% CO2

(with 10% horse blood); anaerobic

Modified strains

Turicimonas muris DSM 26109

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood

(with 10% horse blood); microaerophilic

Modified strains

Taylorella equigenitalis DSM 10668

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood

(with 10% horse blood); needs high humidity

Modified strains

Bartonella acomydis DSM 28537
Bartonella callosciuri DSM 28538
Bartonella jaculi DSM 28562
Bartonella pachyuromydis DSM 28563

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood

(with 10% horse blood); plus 5% CO2

Modified strains

Bartonella elizabethae DSM 28217
Bartonella vinsonii subsp. arupensis DSM 28218

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood
5% CO2

(with 10% horse blood); plus 5% CO2; needs high humidity

Modified strains

Bartonella tribocorum DSM 28219

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood
5% CO2

(with V and X factors)

Modified strains

Haemophilus influenzae DSM 11970

6% O2,10% CO2 and 84% N2; does not grow in candle jar

Modified strains

Campylobacter insulaenigrae DSM 17739

Annotated modifications

6% O2, 10% CO2, 84% N2

Add enough liquid medium 220, 535 or 215 to the agar plate when inoculating. The surface of agar plates must be moist during the whole incubation period

Modified strains

Conchiformibius steedae DSM 2580

Add enough liquid medium 220, 535 or 215 to the agar plate when inoculating. The surfaces of agar plates must be moist during the whole incubation period

Modified strains

Simonsiella muelleri DSM 2579

Add enough liquid medium 220, 535 or 215 to the agar plate when inoculating. The surfaces of agar plates must be moist during the whole incubation period. Inoculate with 1 ml cell suspension.

Modified strains

Alysiella crassa DSM 2578

Anaerobic (90% N2, 5% H2, 5% CO2)

Modified strains

Leptotrichia shahii DSM 19757
Leptotrichia wadei DSM 19758

Annotated modifications

90% N2, 5% H2, 5% CO2

Anaerobic. Does not grow well in liquid media

Modified strains

Prevotella dentasini DSM 22229

Freshly made agar plates; microaerophilic (85% N2, 5% CO2, 5% H2, 5% air)

Modified strains

Campylobacter volucris DSM 25354

Annotated modifications

85% N2, 5% CO2, 5% H2, 5% air

Microaerobic (candle jar)

Modified strains

Cardiobacterium hominis DSM 8339
Lonepinella koalarum DSM 8616
Lonepinella koalarum DSM 8617
Lonepinella koalarum DSM 10053
Actinobacillus delphinicola DSM 11374
Cardiobacterium valvarum DSM 17211
Neisseria elongata DSM 17712
Suttonella ornithocola DSM 18249
Oligella ureolytica DSM 18253

Microaerobic (candle jar), moist atmosphere

Modified strains

Bartonella schoenbuchensis DSM 13525

Microaerobic, candle jar

Modified strains

Nicoletella semolina DSM 16380
Arcobacter cibarius DSM 17680

Microaerophilic (85%N2; 5% air; 10% CO2)

Modified strains

Campylobacter sputorum DSM 5364

Annotated modifications

85% H2, 5% air, 10 % CO2

Microaerophilic; likes humidity

Modified strains

Bartonella japonica DSM 23650

Needs high humidity, especially for reactivation

Modified strains

Moraxella lincolnii DSM 19150

Plus 10% horse blood

Modified strains

Moraxella cuniculi DSM 21768

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood

Plus 10% horse blood; aerob plus 5%CO2

Modified strains

Bartonella henselae DSM 28221

Annotated modifications

100.0 g/l Horse blood
5% CO2

Plus Tween 80 (distribute 100µl on the surface of 90 mm plates)

Modified strains

Alkanindiges hongkongensis DSM 17557

Plus 20% horse serum

Modified strains

Actinobacillus equuli subsp. equuli DSM 19655

Annotated modifications

200.0 g/l Horse serum

Rehydrate and grow lyophilized cells from the ampoule in liquid broth 215. Subsequently, subculturing may be carried out in liquid medium or on agar plates

Modified strains

Laribacter hongkongensis DSM 14985

with 0.5 ml haemin (1mg/ml) per plate

Modified strains

Annotated modifications

0.5 g/l Haemin

With 2% charcoal

Modified strains

Phocoenobacter uteri DSM 15746

Annotated modifications

20.0 g/l Charcoal

With 4% bovine blood instead of horse blood

Modified strains

Pasteurella mairii DSM 17480

Annotated modifications

Horse blood
4 % Bovine serum
(10% horse-blood); microaerophilic, high humidity; grows slowly (add 10% horse blood); plus 5% CO2; needs high humidity (plus 10% horse blood); plus 5%CO2 (with 10% horse blood); anaerobic (with 10% horse blood); microaerophilic (with 10% horse blood); needs high humidity (with 10% horse blood); plus 5% CO2 (with 10% horse blood); plus 5% CO2; needs high humidity (with V and X factors) 6% O2,10% CO2 and 84% N2; does not grow in candle jar Add enough liquid medium 220, 535 or 215 to the agar plate when inoculating. The surface of agar plates must be moist during the whole incubation period Add enough liquid medium 220, 535 or 215 to the agar plate when inoculating. The surfaces of agar plates must be moist during the whole incubation period Add enough liquid medium 220, 535 or 215 to the agar plate when inoculating. The surfaces of agar plates must be moist during the whole incubation period. Inoculate with 1 ml cell suspension. Anaerobic (90% N2, 5% H2, 5% CO2) Anaerobic. Does not grow well in liquid media Freshly made agar plates; microaerophilic (85% N2, 5% CO2, 5% H2, 5% air) Microaerobic (candle jar) Microaerobic (candle jar), moist atmosphere Microaerobic, candle jar Microaerophilic (85%N2; 5% air; 10% CO2) Microaerophilic; likes humidity Needs high humidity, especially for reactivation Plus 10% horse blood Plus 10% horse blood; aerob plus 5%CO2 Plus Tween 80 (distribute 100µl on the surface of 90 mm plates) Plus 20% horse serum Rehydrate and grow lyophilized cells from the ampoule in liquid broth 215. Subsequently, subculturing may be carried out in liquid medium or on agar plates with 0.5 ml haemin (1mg/ml) per plate With 2% charcoal With 4% bovine blood instead of horse blood