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Selected strain: Thiobacillus thioparus DSM 505

This strain uses the standard medium without modifications.

Equipment needed: Filter

Final pH: 6.0

Select a strain (optional):

Compound Amount Unit
KH2PO4 1.5 g
Na2HPO4 4.5 g
NH4Cl 0.3 g
MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0.1 g
100.0 ml
Trace metal solution 5.0 ml
Distilled water 900.0 ml
1 Adjust pH to 7.5.
2 Separately sterilize Na2S2O3 solution by filtration. Aseptically add sterile Na2S2O3 solution to the medium.

Trace metal solution #

Compound Amount Unit
EDTA 50.00 g
ZnSO4 x 7 H2O 22.00 g
CaCl2 5.54 g
MnCl2 x 4 H2O 5.06 g
FeSO4 x 7 H2O 4.99 g
(NH4)6Mo7O24 x 4 H2O 1.10 g
CuSO4 x 5 H2O 1.57 g
CoCl2 x 6 H2O 1.61 g
Distilled water 1000.00 ml
1 Adjust pH to 6.0 with KOH.