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Casamino acids

Ingredient ID: C101

Not available
Casamino Acid Casamino acids Difco Casaminoacids Casmino Acid Casmino acids
Used attributes:
BD-Difco (57×) BD Bacto (11×) Difco (11×) with vitamins (2×) vitamin free, Difco (2×) 10% (2×) *, 10% (2×) Difco 0230-17 (1×) Difco BD (1×) BD BBL (1×) Bacto vitamin assay, Difco (1×) BD 223050 (1×) BD (1×) Oxoid (1×)

Disclaimer: Most of the identifiers and chemical parameters on this page were matched automatically and were not manually curated. This overview is for your own convenience and we do not guarantee that the data shown on this page is correct.

Chemical data:

Complex substance