DSMZ 593 . 10% MH MEDIUM

This medium was extracted automatically and has not been curated by experts, yet.

Culture medium recipe

Medium for Halomonas sp. DSM 6007

This strain uses the standard medium without modifications.

Growth conditions: 25 °C
Compound Amount Unit Conc. [g/L] Conc. [mM]
NaCl 81.000 g 81 1386.04
MgCl2 7.000 g 7 73.522
MgSO4 9.600 g 9.6 79.754
CaCl2 0.360 g 0.36 3.244
KCl 2.000 g 2 26.828
NaHCO3 0.060 g 0.06 0.714
NaBr 0.026 g 0.026 0.253
Proteose peptone no. 3
5.000 g 5 -
Yeast extract
10.000 g 10 -
Glucose 1.000 g 1 5.551
Distilled water 1000.000 ml - -
Agar , for solid medium 15.000 g/l 15 44.599
1 Final pH 7.5
2 NaHCO3 is added from a sterilized stock solution when the medium has cooled. Agar is added at a concentration of 15.0 g/l for solid media.


Last modified: 22.02.22
Source: DSMZ
Taxonomic range:  Bacteria
Medium type: Complex medium
Final pH: 7.5
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Associated strains

All strains for this medium: 13
Halomonas sp. DSM 6007

No modifications necessary for this strain.

Molecular composition

Compound Conc. [g/L] Conc. [mM]
NaCl 81 1386.04
Agar 15 44.599
Yeast extract 10 -
MgSO4 9.6 79.754
MgCl2 7 73.522
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