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Culture medium recipe

Medium for Mycobacterium fortuitum subsp. fortuitum DSM 43075

This strain uses the standard medium without modifications.

Growth conditions: 37 °C
Compound Amount Unit Conc. [g/L] Conc. [mM]
KH2PO4 2.50 g 1.551 11.396
MgSO4 0.24 g 0.149 1.237
Mg-citrate 0.60 g 0.372 1.736
L-Asparagin 3.60 g 2.233 16.903
Potato flour 30.00 g 18.61 -
Malachite green 0.40 g 0.248 0.68
Distilled water 600.00 ml - -
1 Addition:
Glycerol 12.00 ml - -
Fresh egg mixture
(yolk and whites, *)
1000.00 ml - -
2 pH 7.0
3 Sterilize medium for 30 min at 121°C, cool to 30°C and add fresh egg mixture carefully to the medium.
4 * You need for 1 l of egg mixture 20 - 25 fresh eggs (not older then 1 week). Clean the eggs, wipe away with 70% alcohol, open the eggs and homogenize the egg mixture carefully.


Last modified: 24.02.22
Source: DSMZ
Taxonomic range:  Bacteria
Medium type: Complex medium
Final pH: 7.0
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Associated strains

All strains for this medium: 194
Mycobacterium fortuitum subsp. fortuitum DSM 43075

No modifications necessary for this strain.

Molecular composition

Compound Conc. [g/L] Conc. [mM]
Potato flour 18.61 -
L-Asparagin 2.233 16.903
KH2PO4 1.551 11.396
Mg-citrate 0.372 1.736
Malachite green 0.248 0.68
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Cultivation metadata from 194 strains BacDive

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phyla 2 200 strains
oxygen obligate aerobe 28 strains
oxygen aerobe 15 strains
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